Turn Key Investing

Turn Key Real Estate Investing is a very thin slice of the real estate investing market. The availability of True Turnkey Properties on this site is made possible by our large buying audience which allows each individual investor the ability to capitalize on the buying power of a large organization. Sellers are able to provide to each EBG investor Economy of Scale pricing for purchases, property management & property maintenance. This allows us to consistently get better prices and favorable returns. EBG provides more than property purchase because it is a complete system. A real estate power team, working for your wealth building portfolio. Turnkey property providers, property management, maintenance tradespeople and, of course, market monitoring to help you ride the wave of each markets' economic growth. Knowing where to invest and when to reposition your assets to the nest emerging market.

True Turnkey Investing Is...

  • Is buying property which is already a performing asset (in best performing markets) with exit strategies in place.
  • on unlisted properties with terms and prices which are only available through investment groups
  • with safety and sustainable returns

As we enter a new global economy we find that 51% of all real estate investors are just getting started in real estate investing. This is both wonderful and sad. It is sad as so many real estate investors lost everything. They bought in the height of the market instead of getting educated as to what actually creates a sustained long term investment product. So we have seen many investors or "so called investors" lose everything.

Getting Started In Real Estate Investing - Best Locations for Turnkey Cash Flow Properties

Behind all tragedies lies opportunities and this is the wonderful part. You may consider those investors (who made many critical errors in judgment), the pioneers to the new global real estate investment opportunities. Now that the dust has settled, we have a new set of investors and their opportunities have been given much clarity due to the mistakes of the past set of investors.

What has become very clear is that in order to create wealth (better yet sustained wealth) is to acquire investments that can stand the test of time. That can have a 5 to 10 year sustained growth in cash flow and in capital growth.

Of course we know now that it is much deeper than buying a property that is suspected to grow in value (which has been the strategy for many). It is clear that any location can now generate a cash flowing property. What the pioneers have illustrated, however, is that the sustained growth is much more than hope (hope is not a strategy). You can actually hedge your ability to maintain growth by insuring you are investing in property in the right location.

Truth be told, none of this is new information; instead the concept of location being the number one attribute to real estate has been around for years. Most just chose to ignore this. This has been prompted in large part by so called "real estate gurus" needing to sell their tapes on the late night infomercials. They continued to illustrate that their techniques can be utilized in any market in the country. While this may be partially true, real estate is and always has been about location. So now we know we want to be diligent and find the best location for the current market conditions (hint: these locations will change over time)

Locations that can sustain:

  • Job Growth
  • Job diversity
  • Decreasing unemployment
  • Lower than average home prices
  • Affordability is lower than national averages
  • Has redevelopment plans
  • Baby boomer appeal

Turn Key properties within these key locations is paramount to great exit strategies that will insure great capitol growth as well as best possible cash flow. That will give you:

  • Best buy properties
  • In emerging markets
  • Low taxes and low insurances rates (which increases your cash flow)
  • Asset protection (with great entity setup)

Today if you want to succeed in real estate investing you want to be purposeful, you want to be diligent you want to get off on the right track. By learning from the mistakes of those pioneers who plowed the path you can succeed by creating your investment plan and following the basics of real estate investing.
